


IUPAC-Name: 1-(4-fluorophenyl)-4-methyl-2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pentan-1-one, monohydrochloride

Other name: 4-fluoro-α-PiHP

Form: crystalline solid

NMR Analysis: C16H22FNO • HCl

SKU: PCHEMS1000182 Category:


4F-MPH also known as 4-FMPH and 4-Fluoromethylphenidate, is a novel synthetic stimulant of the phenidate class that produces long-lasting euphoriant, and stimulating research outcomes. 4-Fluoromethylphenidate is a stimulant that acts as a higher potency dopamine reuptake inhibitor than the closely related methylphenidate. 4F-MPH is structurally similar to amphetamine. Each pellet contains exactly 15mg of premium quality 4F-MPH.

4F-MPH has a concise research history and was initially developed by scientists as a replacement for ethylphenidate. Shortly after the synthesis, it became available for sale on the online research chemical market. Due to its potent, long-lasting stimulant studies, it is strongly recommended that researchers use proper harm reduction practices if using this substance in their laboratory.



At Rchemshop you can only buy premium quality 4F-MPH, pressed into 15mg of high-quality pellets for all your research needs. Store the pellets in a dry and cool place for maximum life. Store in a dry and cool place for maximum shelf-life. When handling research chemicals ensure to always take the proper precautions in the laboratory like wiping down surfaces and wearing gloves, a mask & protective clothing.



The definition of 4F-MPH is officially known as 4-Fluoromethylphenidate, a novel synthetic stimulant of the phenidate class structurally similar to amphetamine and closely related to methylphenidate. 4F-MPH is thought to act primarily as a dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, meaning it effectively boosts the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine neurotransmitters.



4F-MPH is a synthetic molecule of the phenethylamine and phenidate classes. 4-Fluoromethylphenidate contains a phenethylamine core featuring a phenyl ring bound to an amino -NH2 group through an ethyl chain. 4F-MPH is structurally similar to amphetamine and is structurally identical to methylphenidate except for a single fluorine atom bound to the phenethylamine core.

Scientific finding discovered that amphetamine containing fluorine, chlorine, bromine and methyl groups are typically stronger than those without. According to a recent study, 4-Fluoromethylphenidate is about as effective as methylphenidate as a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (NRI). 4F-MPH is approximately three times as effective at inhibiting the reuptake of dopamine as its parent compound. Due to its potent, long-lasting stimulant studies, it is strongly recommended that researchers use proper harm reduction practices if using this substance in their laboratory.



You can buy 4F-MPH right here here on the RChemshop website. We only have premium quality 4F-MPH for sale, typically in the form of pellets. However, we often have other substance forms available, so feel free to contact us to see if we have your preferred substance form in stock. You must be at least 18 years old to buy 4F-MPH from us.