
, ,

Bannière Bruce

(50 avis client)

230.00 - 2,200.00

Nom de la souche :Bannière Bruce

Grade : A

Type : Sativa

Regardez : Belle fleur

Le goût : Très excellent

Effets :Vous fait planer pendant quelques heures

La puissance : 10/10

Une bonne variété pour : cancer, Nausea/vomiting,Relaxing, hunger, stress,Daytime use, mild sports (e.g. Golf or PS3) and social activities,insomnia, brain problem, body- alleviates depressed states, anxiety, nausea etc.

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quantity (grams)

30, 100, 250, 500, 1000

50 avis pour Bruce banner

  1. walker -

    I’ve dealt with this company for a few years and have been completely satisfied. There were some communication problems with orders not being fulfilled, but once the error was confirmed they went out of their way to make me happy.

  2. fanze -

    Los costos me devuelven también a los 70 por una vez. Con la sanción dejar de fumar cigarrillos y fumar de vez en cuando es útil para usted y ayuda con todos los latidos y tormentos. Nuevamente, gracias por la ayuda extraordinaria durante mucho tiempo sugerida constantemente.

  3. zapalata -

    Affordable great cannabis

  4. alwayshigh -

    Diese Seite ist großartig. Der Artikel ist durchweg das, was ich erwartet hatte und die Beförderung ist auch sehr schnell (ich lebe in Quebec). 10/10 würde vorschlagen.

  5. Owen (client confirmé) -

    Good quality.

  6. Paul (client confirmé) -

    The product is firmly packed.

  7. James -

    Le service client était vraiment adorable. Le produit était propre et stable. Je vais faire du shopping ici et le dire à tous mes amis.

  8. Patrick (client confirmé) -

    Very well worth the money.

  9. Max (client confirmé) -

    Very well worth the money.

  10. Patrick (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  11. Mason (client confirmé) -

    Very well worth the money.

  12. Liam (client confirmé) -

    Very fast delivery.

  13. Paul (client confirmé) -

    Very well worth the money.

  14. Zohar (client confirmé) -

    Very fast delivery.

  15. Zohar (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  16. Ryan (client confirmé) -

    Very well worth the money.

  17. Jackson (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  18. Matthew (client confirmé) -

    Very fast delivery.

  19. Kevin (client confirmé) -

    Very fast delivery.

  20. Jackson (client confirmé) -

    Very well worth the money.

  21. Tyler (client confirmé) -

    Good quality.

  22. Aiden (client confirmé) -

    The product is firmly packed.

  23. Anthony (client confirmé) -

    Good quality.

  24. Mason (client confirmé) -

    The product is firmly packed.

  25. Patrick (client confirmé) -

    Very well worth the money.

  26. Mason (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  27. Paul (client confirmé) -

    Very fast delivery.

  28. Ryder (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  29. Mateo (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  30. Kayden (client confirmé) -

    Good quality.

  31. Paul (client confirmé) -

    Very fast delivery.

  32. Lucas (client confirmé) -

    The product is firmly packed.

  33. Lucas (client confirmé) -

    Good quality.

  34. Max (client confirmé) -

    Very fast delivery.

  35. Patrick (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  36. Ryan (client confirmé) -

    Good quality.

  37. Owen (client confirmé) -

    Good quality.

  38. Ryker (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  39. Phoenix (client confirmé) -

    Very well worth the money.

  40. David (client confirmé) -

    Very fast delivery.

  41. Aadarsh (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  42. Max (client confirmé) -

    Good quality.

  43. Nolan (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  44. Phoenix (client confirmé) -

    The product is firmly packed.

  45. Dylan (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  46. Ryder (client confirmé) -

    Very fast delivery.

  47. Mason (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  48. Zohar (client confirmé) -

    Good quality.

  49. Kaden Arabic (client confirmé) -

    Good service.

  50. Zane (client confirmé) -

    Good quality.

Seuls les clients connectés ayant acheté ce produit ont la possibilité de laisser un avis.

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